Family database Juling
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There are 26 individuals named STRONG in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth

Chard (GB)
STRONG, John * in 1605 in Chard (GB), + 14.04.1699 in Northampton (Massachusetts)

Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Deacon Benejah * 13.10.1740 in Coventry (Connecticut), + 25.11.1809 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Joseph * 10.03.1770 in Coventry (Connecticut), + 24.04.1812 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

Coventry (Rhode Island)
STRONG, Lucy * 19.06.1778 in Coventry (Rhode Island), + 20.02.1835 in Litchfield (Connecticut)

Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, (Kind) * 11.10.1669 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 11.10.1669 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Abigail * 09.07.1666 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 24.07.1689 in Chard (GB)
STRONG, Elizabeth * 09.06.1664 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 17.02.1691 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Elizabeth * 27.09.1704 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 01.05.1792 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Experience * 19.08.1678 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 16.09.1678 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Hannah * 03.02.1671 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 20.03.1762 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, John * 15.11.1673 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + in 1673 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, John * 10.05.1681 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 21.04.1699 in
STRONG, Joseph * 25.07.1701 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 09.04.1773 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Lydia * 09.11.1675 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 16.07.1718 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Mary * 25.05.1677 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + in 1677 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Mary * 14.07.1683 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + in Northampton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Preserved * 29.03.1680 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 26.09.1765 in Coventry (Connecticut)
STRONG, Sarah * in 1674 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 25.12.1726 in Lebanon (Connecticut)
STRONG, Thankful * 15.04.1672 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 16.04.1742 in Coventry (Connecticut)

Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
STRONG, Eleanor * 25.08.1805 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), + 09.07.1863 in New York City (New York)

Taunton (Massachusetts)
STRONG, Jedediah * 07.05.1637 in Taunton (Massachusetts), + 22.05.1733 in Coventry (Connecticut)

Tolland County (Connecticut)
STRONG, Aaron * 14.05.1708 in Tolland County (Connecticut), + about 1763 in Tolland County (Connecticut)

Windsor (Connecticut)
STRONG, Abigail * about 1645 in Windsor (Connecticut), + 15.04.1704 in Northampton (Massachusetts)

STRONG, Elizabeth * 02.02.1727 in , + in
STRONG, Ford * 02.09.1668 in , + 01.11.1668 in
STRONG, Joseph * about 1725 in , + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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